
We are inspired by the Buddha – offering teachings to all, with no price tag.

Birmingham Buddhist Centre is a thriving Buddhist community based on generosity. A Buddhist Centre open to all – regardless of their ability to pay and where we give what we can for the benefit of others.

All our meditation and Buddhism classes are freely given, with the financing of the Centre based on “dana” (generosity). We do not want to charge people to be part of our community.

Our aim is to inspire a culture of generosity in the way we share Buddhist teachings. We teach Buddhism and meditation because we believe in its benefit to the world. More than ever, the world needs Buddhism, meditation, and spiritual community.

We rely on the generosity of visitors and supporters to keep the Centre and its activities alive and available. And we would like to offer you the opportunity to be part of this bold vision. To be part of something radical, a community that gives to the world and to one another, without expecting anything in return.

So, if you feel you want to contribute to this exciting project then please do support us by making a regular or one-off donation below. Regular monthly donations are particularly helpful as they give us a reliable income stream which helps us to budget more effectively. If you are not sure how much to give then please reflect on the value you have got (or hope to get!) from your engagement with the Centre and then donate what you feel is right for you. Whatever amount you choose to give, big or small, then thank you very much.


Did you know Gift Aid can increase the value of donations from UK taxpayers by 25% at no cost to you. If you are eligible please sign up here.

Donations online

SUPPORT US NOW: Your donation will help us continue what we do, and enable people who have few financial resources to access the Buddhist Centre. If you would like to make a donation now online, where you can also Gift Aid your one-off or regular donation:

Support us now!

Your donation will help us continue what we do, and for people to access the Buddhist Centre free of charge on a give what you can, take what you need basis.

Powered byGive as you Live Donate

Donate while you shop online

If you shop online you can also support the Birmingham Buddhist Centre at no additional cost to yourself by signing up to Give as you Live:

An alternative way to set up a monthly donation if you would prefer to avoid the small fees and charges, is setting up a standing order using online banking, direct to our bank account. Please email the centre if you’d like the details.


The culture of generosity extends to all aspects of the Buddhist Centre. For example, there are many opportunities to volunteer and we encourage any involvement from people who would like to contribute – from opening the door to cleaning the shrine rooms to gardening and maintenance support.

Leaving a legacy

If you would like to include the Birmingham Buddhist Centre in your will, click here or please ask the Buddhist Centre office for a copy of our leaflet on leaving a legacy.