SPECIAL! Women’s Sangha Morning

SPECIAL! Women's Sangha Morning


April 13, 2024    
10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Event Type

April Women’s Morning and Day Retreat
Led by Maitrisiddhi, from Taraloka Retreat Centre
Join us for the morning 10:30-1pm or the whole day 10:30-4pm
Saturday 13 April
For Heroic Spirits Intended
‘Call forth as much as you can, of love, of respect, and of faith! Remove the obstructing defilements and clear away all your taints. Listen to the Perfect Wisdom of the gentle Buddhas, Taught for the wellbeing of the world, for heroic spirits intended.’ Ratnagunasamchayagata
What’s the relationship between metta or shraddha (faith), and wisdom?  How do we become open to ‘the perfect wisdom of the gentle Buddhas‘?  And why is the path of seeing things as they truly are for ‘heroic spirits‘?  Join Maitrisidddhi on this day retreat exploring teachings from the Ratnagunasamchayagata – a classic Perfection of Wisdom text that invites us to become more intimate with the texture of experience, and to open out into a world of beauty, ease, and spontaneous appreciation.
If you are coming for the whole day please bring something to go alongside jacket potatoes for lunch.