Dharma Night: The Buddha’s teachings for everyone
Current Theme: Metta as a Path to Insight
Join Singhamati for an exploration of the deepest reach of the metta bhavana – insight practice. Through talks, led meditation and discussions we will explore and reflect on the Buddhas teaching on loving kindness, awakening our hearts on the path.
Over the five weeks there is an invitation to engage in a 5 week metta urban retreat of sorts with an online platform to share experiences and inspiration. You can access that here.
Week 4: The dance of effort and receptivity
Every 7 weeks there will be a new theme, along with pujas and guest speakers. Each session is still stand alone, so you don’t have to come to every one in the series.
No need to book. No charge – please make a donation.
Dharma night runs from 7:15 – 9:15pm every Thursday evening. Doors open at 7pm for a chance to chat and have tea before hand. Open to anyone who has completed an introductory course.